bltadwin.ru: PlayStation Classic: Video Games. Looks just like my old ps1 but smaller. Hacked it and put my own roms on it. Been playing gran turismo 2. For the latest in PlayStation Classic modifications, please use Project Eris! How to update from previous BleemSync versions (0.x, 1.x etc): Show More. I want to use it for everything from PS games that I own but arent included to release coming too, I hope, which will update the PSC kernel itself. · Just copy over your games to a USB pen drive in the games folder and you’re done. It runs fully off the USB so you needn’t worry about an update potentially breaking the internal firmware of the PlayStation Classic. Pretty easy to install as it only requires you to copy over a Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins. Project Eris is the spiritual successor to BleemSync. Project Eris is a fully fledged modification tool for the PlayStation Classic Mini. It allows users to add games, mods and ports whilst also including a large array of extra features and quality of life improvements. Please note: The desktop app for Project Eris will be made public at. · The folks over at Retro Gaming Arts have discovered a way to ‘hack’ the PlayStation Classic and gain access to the console’s PS1 emulator, which will effectively allow users to play other, more worthy games instead of, say, Intelligent Qube. Don’t hate me, hate the Qube. The brief 5-minute can be found below.