“You'll have to return to the ketogenic diet the next day and stay committed to the macronutrient ratios in order to get back into ketosis,” she. Keto Cheat Day: Should You Have Them on a Ketogenic Diet? · It Could Take You Out of Ketosis · Cheating Affects Your Fat Adaptation · It Could Spike Your Blood. If you've cheated on keto, you're. The answer to you can have a cheat day on keto could be ‘yes’ provided you do it the right way and in a cautious manner as described below. Follow a Cyclical Diet. A cyclical keto diet involves eating only keto-friendly foods for about six days, followed by eating high-carb foods. This one day is your cheat day and comes once a week. · Can one cheat day ruin ketosis? by Alexis Till Novem. Can you eat too much cheese on keto? One of the perks of a keto diet, followers say, is that cheese is not off-limits. In fact, cheese is basically the perfect keto food: high-fat, moderate-protein, and low-carb. · If a cheat day happened, it happened, no need to go overboard or your 1 keto cheat day will go over 1 week of binge eating and feel bad about yourself. From there it’s way harder to recover. Now, you want to set aside the cheat meals and focus back on your keto diet. In the following morning, you probably want to avoid the scale. Why?