Revenge of Shinobi · Practice mode: Hold A + B + C and press Start at the opening screen to unlock the "Stage Practice" option at the main menu. · Unlimited. Home: Game Cheats: Sega Genesis: Game Genie. Revenge of Shinobi. Printer Friendly Version. NOTE: THERE ARE TWO VERSIONS OF THIS GAME. Go to the Options Screen, move the pointer up to Shurikins and set them to 00, wait about 30 seconds (without moving the pointer). You will here a sound and the. Revenge of the Shinobi [cheats] Cheat Codes: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. Open the "Stage Practice" Mode on the main Screen, where you can. practice any level that doesn't have a boss. Hold down the A, B and. C buttons, and press START at the Opening Screen. 30, Bonus Points. · Retro Cheats: Revenge of Shinobi - Unlimited Shurikens. Watch later. Share. Copy link. Info. Shopping. Tap to unmute. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Up next. · The Revenge of Shinobi - Mega Drive cheats. The Revenge of Shinobi, also known as Shinobi II: The Revenge or Super Shinobi (in Japan), is a video game developed and published by SEGA to Sega Mega Drive in This is the first chapter of Shinobi developed expressly for Sega Genesis, although it was later converted also for bltadwin.rus: 5.