Video Games Encyclopedia by bltadwin.ru · Diablo III · Darksiders II · Darksiders · Castlevania: Lords of Shadow · Torchlight · Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Xbox Dark Souls II. . Xbox Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition. . · For straight up hack n slash I would say Ninja Gaiden 2, Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising. For somewhere in between try Dragon Age and Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen. Help fight Operating System: X · hack'and'slash video games for X sorted by popularity among gamers. Xbox is the 7th generation console and the second in the Xbox family from Microsoft (a successor to Xbox). It was released between November and December in North America and Europe. · The hack and slash genre has been around since the early days of video games. Here are some of the best titles in the mix for the Xbox , PS3, PC, PS4 and Xbox bltadwin.ru: Dennis Patrick.