Linux hack cd


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If you bought the ebook, lost or damaged the original CD bundled in the book, the book's source code directly and set up your own Linux environment. 6 Awesome Linux cd command Hacks – Productivity Tip#3 for Geeks · Hack #1: Use CDPATH to define the base directory for cd command · Hack #2: Use. the base directory for cd command There are total of hacks in this book that will help you build a strong foundation in Linux. CDlinux is a mini GNU / Linux distribution, its name is from English words, short for “ Compact Distro Linux “. It comes with small size but very powerful functions (fastest and easiest) for Wi-Fi hacking/cracking. You can take CDlinux (ISO file) as your “mobile device operating system only for Wi-Fi Tool: Description.  · The Live Hacking Mini CD is a small Linux distribution designed for ethical computer hacking. Based on its bigger brother (the Live Hacking DVD) this mini distribution contains the tools and utilities you need to test and hack your own network by using the tools and techniques employed by more malicious hackers.  · function cd { if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then pushd ~ > /dev/null elif [ " $1" = " -" ]; then pushd "$OLDPWD" > /dev/null else pushd "$@" > /dev/null fi } And start a new shell. From that point forward, cd will actually execute pushd under the hood, and popd will always be available when you need bltadwin.ruted Reading Time: 2 mins.


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