In LEGO: Jurassic World, each character has a unique ability that makes him/her Hackers can access special LEGO computer terminals. There are 94 playable preset characters in LEGO Jurassic World. Can use agility LEGO objects, hack computer systems, and destroy LEGO. There are plenty of playable characters that you can acquire in the story-line of LEGO: Jurassic World, level up fast complete the story. Almost every character in the game has at least one special ability that provides added value. Here’s a quick rundown of the abilities available in LEGO Jurassic World. Ability. Description. Academic. Solve equation puzzles written on whiteboards to reveal useful items. Agile (Female) Female characters can leap higher than their male. · Unlock characters from the Jurassic Park movies, along with Jimmy Fallon and Steven Spielberg! This guide will tell you how to unlock all of the characters in Lego Jurassic World. We break down characters by movie, then tell you where to find them and how much they cost in Lego studs. In addition we listed bonus characters, including Jimmy Estimated Reading Time: 40 secs. 99 rows · There are 94 playable preset characters in LEGO Jurassic World. They are all split up into .