To enable cheats in the game, you will first have the get the cheats from here: (bltadwin.ru Just remember to UNlock your HP value after defeating the Assassin and before exiting the Wharf or you might crash the game; this is because the. Comfortable stylized site with description of all items from Dead Cells with ability to filter unlocked items, and many more soon. Dead Cells Blueprint Guide - How to find and unlock every Blueprint Note: This page has been updated to include content from the Legacy Update, Rise of the Giant free DLC and Bad Seed DLC. Die while carrying at least cells. Burn. Pimp my ride.: Unlock 10 skills. Please leave your shoes at the entrance.: Reach the Castle for the first time. Quit tickling!: Absorb the Vine Rune. See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?: Successfully complete a Challenge Rift. Shrewd sleuth: Find your first secret zone. Slash! Slash! Roll!: Unlock 10 weapons. · Num 9 – Edit Cells. Num 0 – Super Damage/One Hit Kill. Ctrl+Num 1 – Money Multiplier. Ctrl+Num 2 – Damage Multiplier. Ctrl+Num 3 – Set Game Speed. Notes. “Infinite Money”: Takes effect when you gain or spend money. “Edit Cells”: Takes effect when you .