Most websites store valuable information such as credit card numbers, email address and passwords etc. How you can protect web servers from. Hack Websites With Metasploit · bltadwin.ru Metasploit console. root@bt:/ msfconsole · bltadwin.ru the Metasploit console use db_nmap command with IP Address of target. This article discusses how to use Metasploit for scanning, crawling, and attacking web applications. tags | paper, web: MD5 |. Step 1: Type “exploit” in the msfconsole. This will start the reverse handler to our Machine and it will wait anyone that will connect to the our HTTP server (Eg: http://). Once victim connect to our server, it will send a jar will that will exploit the CVE vulnerability. step 2. 3 msf > services msf> services -c port,name,state From above, the result show that the target server has web service. Metasploit has module for crawling a website too. bltadwin.ru up the auxiliary/scanner/http/crawler module. msf> use auxiliary/scanner/http/crawler. Metasploit | Hack Windows by Sending Link - It is an open source exploitation and its not a single tool but collection of many. It is mostly used for the following, Penetration Testing, Research, Creating and Testing new exploits.