Wi-Fi is prevalent. Many of these wireless networks are password-protected, and knowledge of the password is required to get online. Full process using Kali Linux to crack WiFi passwords. I discuss network adapters, airmon-ng, airodump-ng, aircrack-ng and more in this. fern-wifi-cracker. This package contains a Wireless security auditing and attack software program written using the Python Programming Language and the. · There are many tools available on Kali Linux that we can use to hack and crack WiFi passwords without any interruption. I have tried almost all the most popular tools that are used for WiFi pen-testing and hacking WiFi. Some require external WiFi card and some require only your PC card for hacking WiFi. · What are the best WiFi Adapters for hacking in ? Do they work with Kali Linux or Parrot OS? Do you even need one? I answer all these questions in this vi. · Ebooks list page: Udemy - WiFi Hacking with Kali Linux. Hacking with Kali Linux by Jack Mathew. Hacking with Kali Linux: The Ultimate Guide on Kali Linux for Beginners and How to Use Hacking Tools for Computers.