10 Life-Changing Peanut Butter Sandwiches for Your Best Ever Cheat Day is one of the most ubiquitous meals around: the peanut butter and jelly sandwich. How does this crispy chicken sandwich compare to some of the popular chicken sandwiches out there? Well, this sandwich has calories. Steps · Take spinach, wash thoroughly, pat dry and finely chop it. · Take a bowl and mix in mayonnaise and cheese spread. · Now, add boiled corns. · Trim your chicken breasts of any fat, and cut them into 6oz portions. Note that 6 ounces makes for a large sandwich, so you can cut them into smaller 4oz portions if you prefer (that will still be plenty large for a sandwich). We made 2 chicken sandwiches and had 2 extra for leftovers the next day.5/5(21). · Cheat Meal 3. Blaze Pizza – Classic red sauce, vegan cheese on half, grilled chicken, mushroom, pepperoni, pineapple, green pepper, onion, garlic gloves. Next, they hit up Blaze Pizza. Chris admitted to not eating pizza in over a year and this was his first time trying it from the made-to-order style restaurant bltadwin.ru: Matthew Magnante. · 1am | 12c. Season 1, Episode 4. Surprisingly Sweet. Cheating with sweets is an American pastime, but these confections are anything but ordinary. Robert Irvine heads to Cerritos, Calif., for a unique s'mores dessert made with fries, and then he meets a chef topping juicy fried chicken with ice cream in San Antonio.