Rom hack emerald


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 › Home › Pokemon Emerald Hacks. Pokemon game series is famous among all RPG games lovers and now the advanced generation Pokemon Emerald ROM is out in the market. Over Pokemon are catchable in this game, and surprisingly Theta Emerald Renev has a forme feature that fuses Pokemon.  · Pokemon Moemon Emerald is a ROM hack based on the Emerald Version. What sets it apart from the original is the concept design.  · The goal of this ROM hack is to make the ultimately enhanced vanilla Emerald. v now has two variants to it, Deluxe and Legacy. Deluxe uses the Battle Engine Upgrade v1 by DizzyEgg which includes newer generation mechanics, moves, abilities, and such, whereas Legacy does not.  · Emerald Genesis is another ROM hack of Emerald which also follows the story. There are some minor alterations, additions, and changes to the story and you might notice it or not. The game has updated mechanics up to Gen 7 which included several Pokemon, Moves, Abilities, and Items.


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